Governance Sustainability is one of the three strategic pillars within the ESG model of sustainability, which covers all aspects of business that impact its successful ongoing operation. This includes governance & leadership structures, regulatory compliance, finances, ethics, and integrity.

Within New Zealand, there are several Acts of Parliament that regulate how businesses must account for, and manage their social impact. These include the:

  • Companies Act
  • Financial Reporting Act
  • Employment Relations Act
  • Holidays Act
  • Privacy Act
Governance, Sustainability, IFPS Director meeting

In addition to the regulations associated with these Acts, there are also an increasing number of requirements being placed on businesses by customers, suppliers, or third-parties, related to compliance with standards. These standards may include:

  • B Corporation Certification
  • ISO Governance standards, such as ISO 37000
  • IFRS Sustainability Disclosure Standards
  • Corporate Governance Codes
  • Customer or Supplier ESG compliance standards

If you want to work towards governance sustainability, we can support you no matter where in the fresh produce supply chain your business operates.

When you need to work on your sustainability, whether in the environment, social, or governance space, we can help.

For more information, please contact us, or freephone 0800 24 74 24.