If you intend to export plant products to overseas markets, you might be required to obtain a Phytosanitary Certificates.

This is an official Ministry for Primary Industry (MPI) document declaring that the product meets all phytosanitary requirements of the importing country, and it needs to be provided to the importing country at time of the product arrival at destination.

Each country has different requirements called Importing Country Phytosanitary Requirements (ICPR).

In order to issue a phytosanitary certificate, the product must first be inspected for any pests and diseases, the security maintained, a certificate produced, verified and approved by MPI, and finally it can be printed.

These activities can be provided by an Independent Verification Agency (IVA) or an MPI Approved Organisation (MAO) under the MPI delegated authority system. However, verification of certificates can only be provided by an IVA.

The Agrichain Centre needs to follow MPI’s instructions and rules (Standards) when working as an IVA.

These activities can be provided by an Independent Verification Agency (IVA) or an MPI Approved Organisation (MAO) under the MPI delegated authority system. However, verification of certificates can only be provided by an IVA.

The Agrichain Centre needs to follow MPI’s instructions and rules (Standards) when working as an IVA.

The History of Phytosanitary / Endpoint Inspections. 

Countries manage their phytosanitary relationship with each other through the International Plant Protection Convention. This is an international agreement on plant health with more than 180 member countries.

Phytosanitary / Endpoint inspections are in most exporting countries conducted by Government employed inspectors. In New Zealand, MPI’s predecessor, the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry (MAF) traditionally inspected export produce.

In the 1990s, MAF Inspectors stopped inspecting New Zealand export produce. Instead, produce exports started being inspected by MAF authorised qualified service providers. These organisations can either be Independent Verification Agencies (IVAs) or Ministry Approved Organisations (MAOs).

Since the initial introduction of IVAs, MAF has become MPI. Other changes have also happened. An MAO can be an independent entity offering phytosanitary services, a packhouse, an export company, or a logistics provider. An MAO needs to have staff qualified to assess the phytosanitary conditions of produce.

We can best describe the interaction between MAO, IVA and MPI in this way:

  • MPI has the overall responsibility and is the competent authority.  It assures the importing countries that  New Zealand fruit and vegetables meet importing countries’ phytosanitary requirements.

  • An IVA provides independent inspection and verification services on behalf of MPI.

  • An MAO, approved by MPI, can carry out the work required to satisfy importing countries’ phytosanitary requirements.

MPI typically does not engage directly with an MAO. The MAO assessment and audit process is managed by an IVA. The IVA informs MPI when an MAO has attained the necessary skill level to act in that capacity. It is also the IVA’s job to recommend appointment as an MAO to MPI.

In addition to working with MAOs on MPI’s behalf, an IVA also conducts endpoint inspections as and where required

The AgriChain Centre’s IVA focus:

The AgriChain Centre’s IVA services focus on the Horticulture/Fresh Produce Industry, because the core competencies of the company’s senior management team are based on Horticulture. 

The AgriChain Centre’s IVA services are in strong demand, as we assist exporters to meet all relevant requirements in a consistent, cost effective and compliant manner. Our offer includes:

  • Evaluation and/or audit of Ministry Approved Organisation (MAO) systems
  • Phytosanitary / Endpoint Inspection
  • Verification and printing of MPI Phytosanitary Certificates

If you are exporting fresh produce and you need to appoint an IVA, then do not  hesitate to contact us. You could be a packhouse, a freight forwarder or an MAO handling/assessing export produce. Our highly competent post-harvest team offers a professional and timely service. If you purely rely on IVA services for end point inspections then we will also carry these out, as required.

ICPR Requirements

Fresh produce exporters need to meet the requirements specified in the MPI Certification Standards and Importing Country Phytosanitary Requirements (ICPRs).

For more information, or to discuss your requirements, please contact us, or freephone 0800 24 74 24.



To be approved as an MAO, an applicant has to write an Operating System which need to be evaluated by an IVA.

pest strawberry


IVAs and MAOs have been approved as appropriately qualified service providers to inspect produce on MPI’s behalf.



The AgriChain Centre is an Independent Verification Agency (IVA), authorised to provide Phytosanitary Certification Services.