Environmental Sustainability is one of the three strategic pillars within the ESG model of sustainability, which covers all aspects of business that impact the environment. This includes carbon and greenhouse gas emissions, resource depletion, pollution, and waste production & management.

Within New Zealand, there are several Acts of Parliament that regulate how businesses must account for, and minimise their environmental impact. These include the:

  • Environment Act
  • Resource Management Act
  • Environmental Reporting Act
  • Waste Minimisation Act
  • Climate Change Response Act
  • Hazardous Substances and New Organisms Act
  • Biosecurity Act
Envrionment, sustainability

Businesses which export product, or who work internationally, will also find themselves needing to comply with similar legislation elsewhere, such as the European Climate Law or The Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.

In addition to the regulations associated with these Acts, there are also an increasing number of requirements being placed on businesses by customers, suppliers, or third-parties, related to compliance with standards. These standards may include:

  • The Aotearoa New Zealand Climate Standards
  • ISO environmental-focused standards, such as ISO 14001.
  • B Corporation standards
  • Carbon neutral certifications

If you want to work towards environmental sustainability, we can support you no matter where in the fresh produce supply chain your business operates.

When you need to work on your sustainability, whether in the environment, social, or governance space, we can help.

For more information, please contact us, or freephone 0800 24 74 24.