Privacy Policy

Privacy Notice - The AgriChain Centre

Your Data

Personal information submitted to The AgriChain Centre is collected and managed according to the provisions of the New Zealand Privacy Act 2020, and the European General Data Protection Regulation, where appropriate.

The AgriChain Centre will only collect personal information for lawful purposes, and where the information is necessary for that purpose. The AgriChain Centre will not require identifying information if it is not necessary for The AgriChain Centre’s purposes.

The AgriChain Centre will collect your personal information directly from you where possible. Where this is not possible, The AgriChain Centre will collect it from other people in certain situations, when:

  • You give The AgriChain Centre permission.

  • Collecting it in another way would not prejudice your interests.
  • Collecting the information from you directly would undermine the purpose of collection.
  • The AgriChain Centre are getting it from a publicly available source.

The personal information collected from you by The AgriChain Centre includes:

  • Name.
  • Contact information.
  • Billing or purchase information.

Anonymous Data

Visits to our websites are recorded and logged anonymously (via Cookies). This anonymous information is used to compile statistical information about the use of our website to assist in maintaining our website services. It is not used for any other purposes. If you do not want cookies to be used, please adjust your browser settings to disable them. The following data is collected anonymously and supplied by the service user’s browser and Google Analytics;

  • IP address and/or domain name.
  • Operating system (type of browser and platform).
  • Date, time, and length of the visit to the website.
  • Resources/pages accessed.


How We Use Your Data

We use your personal data to operate our website, provide you with our services, and to manage our relationship with you. We may also use your personal data to communicate with you, or to enhance our services.

Providing some information is optional. If you choose not to provide some of the information requested, we may be unable to provide you our services that you have requested.

When The AgriChain Centre collects personal information, The AgriChain Centre takes reasonable steps to only collect personal information in ways that are lawful, fair, and not unreasonably intrusive.


Data Retention

The length of time we keep your personal data depends on what data it is, and whether we have an ongoing business need to retain it (for example, to provide you with a service you have requested or to comply with applicable legal, tax, or accounting requirements).

We will retain your personal data for as long as we have a relationship with you and for a period of time afterwards where we have an ongoing business need to retain it, in accordance with our data retention policies and practices. Following that period, we will make sure it is deleted or anonymised.


Safeguarding Your Information

The AgriChain Centre will make sure that there are reasonable security safeguards in place to prevent loss, misuse, or disclosure of personal information. This includes limits on employee browsing of other people’s information.


Your Rights

It is your personal data, and you have certain rights relating to it. When it comes to marketing communications, you can ask us not to send you these at any time – just follow the unsubscribe instructions contained in the marketing communication, or contact us to request removal form any marketing subscriptions.

You have a right to ask The AgriChain Centre for access to your personal information. The AgriChain Centre will promptly give you your information, except where The AgriChain Centre may have good reasons to refuse access, such as if releasing the information could:

  • Endanger someone’s safety.
  • Create a significant likelihood of serious harassment.
  • Prevent the detection or investigation of a crime.
  • Breach someone else’s privacy.

You have a right to ask The AgriChain Centre to correct your information if you think it is wrong. You can exercise these rights at any time. To ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at, or phone 09 414 4536.


Disclosing Your Personal Information

Before using or disclosing personal information, The AgriChain Centre will take reasonable steps to check it is accurate, complete, relevant, up to date and not misleading. The AgriChain Centre will not keep personal information for longer than is necessary.

The AgriChain Centre will only use personal information for the purpose The AgriChain Centre collected it. The AgriChain Centre may use it in ways that are directly related to the original purpose, or The AgriChain Centre may use it another way if the person gives The AgriChain Centre permission, or in other limited circumstances.

The AgriChain Centre will only disclose personal information in limited circumstances, such as:

  • Disclosure is one of the purposes for which The AgriChain Centre got the information.
  • You authorised the disclosure.
  • The information will be used in an anonymous way.
  • Disclosure is necessary to avoid endangering someone’s health or safety.
  • Disclosure is necessary to avoid a prejudice to the maintenance of the law.

The AgriChain Centre will only send personal information to someone overseas if the information will be adequately protected. For example:

  • The receiving person is subject to the New Zealand Privacy Act because they do business in New Zealand.
  • The information is going to a place with comparable privacy safeguards to New Zealand.
  • The receiving person has agreed to adequately protect the information.
  • If adequate protections are not in place, The AgriChain Centre will only send personal information overseas if you give The AgriChain Centre express permission, unless the purpose is to uphold or enforce the law or to avoid endangering someone’s health or safety.


Unique Identifiers

A unique identifier is a number or code that identifies a person in The AgriChain Centre’s dealings with them, such as an IRD or driver’s licence number. The AgriChain Centre will only assign The AgriChain Centre’s own unique identifier to you where it is necessary for operational functions. The AgriChain Centre will not assign the same identifier as used by another organisation. If The AgriChain Centre assigns a unique identifier to you, The AgriChain Centre will make sure that the risk of misuse (such as identity theft) is minimised.