Mystery Shopping is a tool to gather specific information about a market, product, or services. Mystery shoppers typically mirror customer behaviours to understand the habits deemed important for the retailer, the packhouse, an industry or the consumer.

In the New Zealand, fresh produce industry Mystery Shopping has been used by product groups to gain an understanding of the consumer experience and to monitor the impact of changes over time that impact on consumer experiences.

Mystery Shopping programmes are tailored specifically to the industry and product information requirements. Products can be sampled at different retail outlets (supermarkets, independent stores, farmers markets or roadside stalls). Monitoring can include assessment of defects, maturity/ripeness, shelf-life, price, traceability, retailer behaviours as residue/microbial testing of products purchased

Our Mystery Shopping outputs include a dashboard style summary report after each round of shopping, outlining the findings of the key evaluation parameters agreed by the industry. This is an easy to follow summary that can assist in understanding what the consumer is seeing during the season. We can also provide an end of season dashboard summary.

For more information, please contact us, or freephone 0800 24 74 24.