MBA, Dip. Bus. (Marketing), B. Hort.Sc., NZCQA
Managing Director
Anne-Marie is a founding director of the business. Her professional interests revolve around post-harvest management systems and quality management of fresh food, particularly fresh produce.
Anne-Marie is the New Zealand representative on the Food Safety Committee of the International Federation for Produce Standards. She is also a member of the International Society for Horticultural Science.
Anne-Marie oversees marketing and overarching client communications
DBA, Dip. Bus (Marketing), B. Hort., MRSNZ, CMInstD
Director, Strategy & Research
Hans is a founding director of the business. His focus is business leadership and providing strategic advice to key clients. Hans’ professional interests revolve around all strategic value chain aspects of international agribusiness, particularly in the marketing challenges related to fruits and vegetables.
Hans is an Executive Committee member of United Fresh Incorporated, a trustee of the 5+ A Day Charitable Trust and the New Zealand director on the Board of the International Federation for Produce Standards.
Hans is also a professional member of the Royal Society Te Apārangi, and a charted member of the Institute of Directors.
MSDG, BNatSci.
Projects Manager
Jacob has almost 15 years experience in the fresh produce and perishables logistics industry. Jacob manages our Project Team, leading our operational work on projects ranging from $5,000 to $5 million. Jacob provides strategic research & technical operational support for our customers, such as United Fresh New Zealand, the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI), the Ministry for the Environment (MfE), and many other commercial clients. Jacob’s interest in Governance has led him to become an associate member of the NZ Institute of Directors.
Technical Manager
Massimo is the Technical Manager for the Services part of the business. This involves providing advice in regards to Quality Assessments, Endpoint Inspections, Phytosanitary Certificate Verifications and Audits.