We were asked by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) in 2018 to conduct an Agricultural Sector Diagnostic Study for the Government of Tonga, to understand opportunities for development in the forms of agronomy, policy, food security, climate change and economic growth.
The opportunities included immediate actions as
well as long-term goals. Our Project Team conducted a desk-based literature review, before heading to Tonga on a two week in-country mission in August 2018, to form a comprehensive report with observations and recommendations.
In 2016, MFAT requested a Value Chain Analysis for papaya, as part of the Tonga Agriculture Export Growth Initiative, focused on fresh produce. New Zealand imports approximately 938 tonnes of papaya a year, predominantly from the Philippines and Fiji, as they provide a year-round supply.
This piece of research provided opportunities for Tonga and investigated some of the challenges that would need to be overcome.
In 2017, MFAT requested a Value Chain Analysis on zucchini sourced from Tonga. Zucchini are immature fruit and therefore need careful post-harvest handling in order to meet the requirements of international buyers, as well as specific biosecurity requirements.
New Zealand has an all year-round demand for zucchini, and there is a window where imported product is required to supplement the domestic market.